Cenforce 50 mg (Sildenafil Citrate)


Active Ingredient

Sildenafil Citrate


Erectile Dysfunction


Centurion Laboratories Pvt. Ltd.


10 tablets in 1 strip



Delivery Time

6 To 15 days

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Variation Price Quantity Add To Cart
90 Tablet/s $70.00
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120 Tablet/s $88.00
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150 Tablet/s $104.00
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300 Tablet/s $178.00
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About Cenforce 50 Mg- Medicine That Is A Boon For Males

Almost 300 million males around the world every year start suffering from the issue of erectile dysfunction. And the thing which we should be more serious about is that people who are in the age group of 25-40 are getting more affected by the issue. This is the age when people are looking to enjoy their sexual life and make themselves and their partners feel satisfied. And they start suffering from the issue of dysfunction, which starts affecting both partners and gives them a feeling of dissatisfaction. The issue causes two issues when happening in the body.

The first one is that when you are suffering from this issue, then you are going to notice that you are unable to achieve hardness. You find it difficult to get an erection which makes the experience pleasurable. Above that, you will find that the period in which you ejaculate decreases manifolds, due to which you start facing various issues. Now the worst part about consuming the issue is that it starts making a person feel less of themselves, which further leads to a decline in libido levels.

Till the time a person notices the issue, it becomes large enough that it becomes difficult for a person to control it easily. So, the first step they take is to start the search for how this issue happens in their body and find that PDE is the main reason. That is why getting rid of the issue and getting your sexual satisfaction back a person can take the help of a PDE inhibitor medicine. It is Cenforce 50 mg which contains 50 mg of Sildenafil citrate salt in it.

This is a prescription-based medicine that only allows a person to get instant relief from erectile dysfunction within half an hour so that they can enjoy their sexual activity. The medicine brings back sexual satisfaction feeling among both couples.  

Cenforce 50 mg tablet Uses

We have seen that there are major uses of the Cenforce 50 mg medicine of which one is erectile dysfunction. The medicine suppresses the feeling of erectile dysfunction for 3-4 hours so that a person can have a pleasurable sexual activity. Apart from this issue, the other three issues that the cenforce 50 mg resolves are-

  • The medicine helps a person get an edge over the issue of benign prostatic hyperplasia. The medicine is going to decrease the swelling that a person is having, hence resolving the issue.
  • Libido levels which decrease in the body of the person due to the happening of ED also increase when you start the consumption of the Cenforce 50 mg medicine.
  • You are going to notice that the medicine also helps out in the issue of Pulmonary Arterial Hypertension. It relieves the symptoms of the issue and keeps it under control.

How to Take Cenforce 50mg?

Follow the steps to consume the Cenforce 50 mg if you want the best results for yourself so that you get the sexual satisfaction you are missing-

  • You cannot grind or chew the medicine. Just swallow it with a glassful of water.
  • For taking the medicine you can choose any time which suits you before or after a meal.
  • If you take medicine 30 minutes in advance and then involve yourself in arousing activities, then the results will be fantastic.
  • You have to stop your fast food consumption and switch to healthy habits. It will be good for permanent results for ED and also provide a better environment in the body for the medicine working.

How much quantity of Cenforce 50 mg is sufficient for efficient functioning?

One dose of the Cenforce 50 mg is sufficient, but some people who have had issues for quite a long time might need more than one dose. If something like this is in your case then consult with your physician. They will suggest a higher one.

Issues with the Cenforce 50 consumption you should report to the physician

Sometimes when taking the cenforce 50 mg medicine, some emergency might occur. In that situation, you should consult your physician. Those situations are-

  • If you are facing issues of painful erection then report to the physician.
  • If you have a fever or feel dizziness at another level that is out of control then tell your physician.
  • Tell your physician for a higher dose if you don’t see good results from the medicine.
  • If your BP increases too much or you face issues with heart rate then tell your physician.
  • Tell your physician if you feel like fainting due to the medicine.

Cenforce 50 mg Side Effects

There are a few side effects your body might face if you consume the cenforce 50 mg. Though if you follow the physician’s instructions, you will not notice any side effects happening in your body. Still, there are a few situations that are why you should know them in detail.

  • People will notice headaches and nausea in their bodies due to cenforce 50 mg.
  • Due to this tablet, your body might show some symptoms of cold and choking of the throat.
  • Your eyes will show blurriness and cloudiness issues, due to which vision gets affected.
  • Your ears start ringing when you take the Cenforce 50 mg.
  • You will notice that the heartbeat goes up due to the medicine and blood pressure also gets affected.
  • Pain in muscles and swelling is also an issue that your body will notice when you consume Cenforce 50 mg.
  • The erection you will get elongates, which can also be painful in a few cases.
  • Dizziness and drowsiness is also an issue you will notice when consuming the Cenforce 50 mg medicine.

How can we ensure our body’s efficient working and safety when taking cenforce 50 mg?

If you want to ensure that during the period of medicine consumption, you stay safe, then follow the steps below-

  1. People will notice that when they consume the medicine with alcohol or marijuana, then it can be harmful to their body.
  2. People who are suffering from heart issues must never consume this medicine.
  3. If you are taking nitrate or alpha-blockers, you are not obligated to take the cenforce 50 mg.
  4. You should not drive or operate machinery because your body will show various side effects.
  5. When visiting the physician, ask them about the medicine in detail and tell them everything about yourself. You should not hide any medical history or allergy.
  6. When you start the medicine, tell your dentist about it also.
  7. Don’t take medicine with grapefruit juice.
  8. To get the best results, you should take medicine half an hour before the actual activity. The results which appear will last for 3-4 hours.

Frequently Asked Questions

·        Is the Cenforce tablet safe?

The Cenforce 50 mg is a product that the FDA approves. This means that people suffering from your issue are safe to consume it. The medicine has a set of interactions and side effects which you should keep in mind and you are good to go.

·        Can I take the Cenforce 50mg Tablet as often as I want?

No, making this mistake will harm your body and have long-term effects. You can only take medicine either once a day or maybe twice, as the physician suggests. If you take medicine more than the amount the physician suggests, then you will see side effects and overdose effects.

·        How long does it take for a Cenforce 50mg Tablet to work?

Once the medicine enters your body, you will notice that you will gain a hard erection within half an hour. The condition is that you have been involved in arousing activities.

·        Can I take a Cenforce 50 mg Tablet after food?

Yes, you are eligible to take the medicine Cenforce 50 mg after you have had your meal. But the only condition to follow is that the food you consume should be healthy. Also, you should take medicine one hour after food. E.g., if you have your food at nine, take medicine at 10 pm.

·        Can Cenforce tablets also treat premature ejaculation?

The medicine is an amazing treatment for permanent ejaculation but temporary. When you take medicine, you forget that you have an issue with PE for about 3-4 hours. During this period, you can enjoy an amazing round of satisfactory sex. After that, the medicine becomes inactive, and you will again notice the issue. For permanent relief from the issue, you have to make a lifestyle shift and inculcate healthy habits in your lifestyle. When you follow it for months or years, you will notice permanent relief in the issue.

·        How does a Cenforce tablet affect blood pressure?

When you consume the medicine, you will notice a change in your blood pressure, which is definitely an increase. But it is not necessary that this action occurs for every person taking medicine. Some people might not even notice this issue.


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